Sunday, November 18, 2012

About nothing

So lately it feels like all we talk about is little nothing's. insignificant conversation is so grueling and it really has started me wondering what we actually have in common. Aside from our children it seems lately we have nothing of interest to discuss.
We used to share a mutual interest in food. I am a chef by profession, so cooking, eating, anything to do with food really intrigued me and I believe my husband shared the same passion so we were instantly connected over it. We have a passion for travel and have gone to many places with food as our main destination.
How do two people who love each other so much end up so far apart? It's lack of effort. I believe modern technology is definitely to blame. All I talk about is the latest Facebook drama and all he talks about is what story he read about on reddit ( which I detest by the way) but that's another blog.
I think that I have become afraid to state opinions for fears that he Won't love me or that he will think my thoughts are unintelligent or boring or unoriginal. How did I get to this point? Reducing myself to background noise. I used to be strong, had opinions about everything. Now I can't seem to disagree about anything.
What's worse is my husband has repeatedly told me how much this bugs him. He's tired of me answering everything with "I don't know" or " I don't care," so how do I change? How do I
Get back to the person I was. I do admit that being the mom I get so exhausted of making decisions all day long.
But I live in fear that my marriage will fail if our communication doesn't improve.
So what are some good tips for keeping things interesting. Conversation pieces? Not sure but it's something I must definitely work on.

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